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Problem Solving Tutorials

Problem Solving Training Problems

5 - Problems Query


If you choose to do the strategy training problems (by clicking on the puzzle icon), after each full 20 block session you will be given a set of carefully chosen problems from the cognitive science literature. This gives you the problems with online tutorial links for that session which you need to complete to move onto the next session.

Your general intelligence (also called ‘G’) is built up from different sub-factors. The most critical factors are fluid intelligence (Gf) – your problem solving ability in new situations – and crystallized intelligence (Gc) – your ‘knowledge bank’ – facts and know-how. By training with the 2G n-back, you train and improve Gf. By working through these problem sets you train and improve Gc.

For all problem pages you must complete ALL questions to complete the exercise. The correct answers will be shown in blue highlights in case you do not select the correct answer.

To move from one problem set to another, click on the top right arrow of the windows.



How To Access All The IQ Problems & Training Resources

If you click on the red puzzle icon in the Session window, you can access all of HighIQPro’s IQ problems and associated online resources. Note – it is not recommended that you look at the brain teasers before doing them during your n-back training! It is a resource for AFTER training.
