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Problem Solving Skills

Do-It-Yourself Brain Training To Improve Fluid Intelligence With Concurrent Breath Counting

In this article you will be given: An effective brain training exercise you can do any time- without a computer. Improved ability to work through complex problems, decisions or trains of thought in your own mind without losing track. A clear understanding of the nature of working memory and how it works in close association with your fluid intelligence (Gf) – your ability to reason, solve novel problems

The Framing Effect Bias: Improving Decision Making Skills For Cognitive Misers

A Cornell University study  reveals that U.S. intelligence agents are more likely to make irrational life-death decisions than college students, basing their decisions on the superficial wording of the information rather than the real facts and probabilities. It’s not just intelligence agents that make irrational decisions, it’s everyone to a greater or lesser degree. In critical situations our decision making skills can be very shaky, no matter how high we
