Doing well in many exams depends purely on memory. Research has revealed a simple piece of advice for how to better memorize exam material: go for a brisk 10 minute walk before studying the material.
Dreaming improves creative problem solving and fluid intelligence type problem solving.
8 evidence based study methods: growth mindset, believe in yourself, forgive yourself for procrastinating, good sleep, cat napping, pacing your study, feedback from testing yourself, handouts prior to lectures.
IQ level impacts final exam performance, GPA, and undergraduate, graduate and professional school entrance exam performance.
While the link between crystallized intelligence and SAT combined scores is obviously very striking, crystallized intelligence is not significantly linked to GPA. And we are more interested here in the link between fluid intelligence and SAT and GPA…
In the US, higher IQs tend to take up university majors that equip them for higher paid jobs.