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Monthly Cognitive Training Challenge: Working Memory Output Gating Training

Effective Brain Training : Cognitive Elements Well-designed brain training apps target the the ‘atomic’cognitive functions and processes within our brain’s ‘central processor’ – sometimes called executive processes. These core functions are shown in the ‘cognitive elements’ model below. . IQ Mindware apps are designed to target different elements for different cognitive functions. Today we’ll be looking at targeting fluid intelligence (Gf). . Executive processes trained selectively by IQ Mindware apps . Working memory (the light grey box) is our mental workspace – the information we can hold

Do-It-Yourself Brain Training To Improve Fluid Intelligence With Concurrent Breath Counting

In this article you will be given: An effective brain training exercise you can do any time- without a computer. Improved ability to work through complex problems, decisions or trains of thought in your own mind without losing track. A clear understanding of the nature of working memory and how it works in close association with your fluid intelligence (Gf) – your ability to reason, solve novel problems

Increasing IQ with Computerized Cognitive Training Review

Over the past 10 years there has been a growing body of scientific evidence that a specific type of computerized cognitive training (CCT) has the potential to raise IQ significantly – namely working memory training.  Commercial CCT comes in many forms. Many brain training companies divide training between different types of cognitive processing such as speed, memory, attention, and so on. In the light of all the studies done on these different types of training, it is only working memory

Latest N-Back Brain Training Studies: Effective Sleep and Training Synergy

We know from an often skeptical press that many brain training apps do not work beyond practice effects specific to the games themselves. But it’s clear from the steady stream of peer-reviewed cognitive neuroscience research that some types of brain training are effective for increasing IQ and focus (ref).  So what works? What brain training has so-called far-transfer to general cognitive abilities (as opposed to ‘narrow transfer’ to highly similar tasks

Gated Dual N-Back: Input and Output Gating

Here I explain how the gated dual n-back (gated DNB) innovation is a critical advance on classic dual n-back training. Warning: some of the material is quite technical. Simply read up to the ‘Summary’ section at the beginning, and then skip down to the last Exec Summary paragraph, for the basic take-home.  In my dual n-back post I reviewed the evidence for the IQ augmenting benefits of dual n-back training, taking a closer look at the Johns Hopkins University DNB study published this

Meta-Awareness, Focused & Open Mindfulness In The Attention Economy

IQ Mindware apps require that we learn and absorb new skills with the goal of becoming more intelligent, effective, creative and productive. Learning a skill like how to reason logically, or make decisions rationally, is not enough – you have to develop awareness about when to apply these skills, and possibly when to override a more automatic, but less intelligent response that is your ‘default – what you may do on automatic pilot. .. Meta-Awareness This requires something called ‘meta-awareness’ – an ability
