Effective Brain Training : Cognitive Elements Well-designed brain training apps target the the ‘atomic’cognitive functions and processes within our brain’s ‘central processor’ – sometimes called executive processes. These core functions are shown
In this article you will be given: An effective brain training exercise you can do any time- without a computer. Improved ability to work through
Over the past 10 years there has been a growing body of scientific evidence that a specific type of computerized cognitive training (CCT) has the potential to raise IQ significantly
Summary A study published this month in the prestigious journal Intelligence has shown: Cognitive training combined with exercise results in gains in fluid intelligence (visuospatial reasoning) – a
We know from an often skeptical press that many brain training apps do not work beyond practice effects specific to the games themselves. But it’s clear from the steady
How can I keep this business afloat, given how poorly it’s been performing? How do I increase my standard of living, to feel like I’m in control