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Cognitive Training To Increase Intelligence

Scientific brain training to increase your cognitive capital.

Improve IQ, increase cognitive performance, boost productivity

and train creative problem solving.

More below

GOALS TO ATTAIN & Problems To Solve

The circuitry of your brain is neuroplastic: you can rewire it with evidence-based brain training


Faster, more productive and innovative college or work performance.


Developing cognitive resilience, focus and effectiveness under pressure.


Attain maximum cognitive potential. Upgrade your brain and find your limits.


Boost confidence in your ability to learn, problem solve & comprehend.


Preparing for a cognitive challenge: a test, interview, course or training.


Optional pre-training cognitive performance & IQ metrics to track progress.


How the HighIQPro App Works

3 modules. Engineered by cognitive neuroscientists. Four decades of research.


Mindware Tutorials Module

Mindware Tutorials Module

Improve cognitive performance and boost productivity with online tutorials

gCore Training Module

gCore Training Module

The gated DNB (2G+) formula: Dual n-back working memory training with executive attention control training for long-term neuroplasticity gains in prefrontal cortical hubs. Click for details.

Tracking IQ Gains Module

Tracking IQ Gains Module

Optional cognitive neuroscience tests to track your 5-factor IQ gains from training

HighIQPro Screenshots

Screenshots of the HighIQPro app – desktop and mobile

More on what's unique below

HighIQPro Training: A different approach

3 modules. Hand-crafted by cognitive neuroscientists. Four decades of research.

Beyond Placebo

Many interventions for health & performance are heavily marketed. They offer quick fixes. Some real science may be added to the mix, but in a way that is poorly understood or misapplied. Lifestyle bloggers may have a following, but they are riding on the placebo effect. We go beyond this.

Up To Speed

Many evidence-based brain training online providers suffer from the problem of academic conservatism and falling behind the curve of newly evolving directions and best practices. Our apps, coaching and educational content is focused on your needs, not labs.

IQ Guarantee

We are the only company that will money-back guarantee a 10-20 point IQ increase on standardized IQ tests – either full scale or culture-fair. We offer this guarantee because of the data we’ve collected from users and the fact that i3 Mindware training results in real neuroplasticity gains.

© Copyright [2019]. Mark Ashton Smith, Ph.D. Department of Psychology, University of Essex Online
